For 25 years I have witnessed the healing power of touch and the mental alignment through HypnoTherapy. Through this I have come to experience the power of bringing both mind and body together for healing. Its through this connection that Hypno-massage was created.
Hypno-massage is a powerful integration of Hypnotherapy and Massage therapy. As the massage induces and maintains an alpha brain wave, ( a relaxed hypnotic state) , the hypnotherapy guides your mind inward to further heal , release and relax your body.
This connection of body and mind allows you to release both physical and mental stress. Unwanted feelings and issues are healed as your body is slowly relaxed and your mind is taken through a wonderful visualization. Its through this subconscious state that you will experience a greater awareness of both Body and Mind.
Hypno-massage enables a heightened sense of body awareness and guides your mind inward to heal. Its through this awareness that you will be able to feel and maintain a wonderful clear vibration.
Being in alignment with your higher vibration allows your body to release, allowing your own power ,your own energy to surface , bringing you back to stasis where healing begins.
“Hypnomassage creates a “bubble of awareness” and a shift in consciousness”. Pam S.